Heather's Blog

That’s the takeaway from a conversation I had with the director of the Montessori school at which I work. The director had been describing a child who sometimes became overwhelmed and upset at school.

What Happened? November 2020

Last week I was talking with a preschooler and asked what was happening the last time he felt happy. He responded, “I felt happy when I took my mask off.”

Lighten the Load, September 2020

As I consider the changes in classroom this fall, wearing masks, staying six feet apart and washing hands more frequently, I think about the stress of teachers needing to introduce new habits and the stress of children learning to adopt new habits.

Naming the Feeling, August 2020

For reasons too numerous to list, anger is all around us these days: our own anger or the anger of others. Simply naming that feeling can reduce stress.

Having a Voice and Choice, July 2020

From the streets across the nation so many raised their diverse voices in order to be heard about what really matters to them. Hearing those voices is crucial for all of us to understand and connect on a universal level and effect change.

Breathing Connects Us, June 2020

During these times of COVID and protests, it is natural to feel whelmed and sad and wonder how we can all find a way through. When I feel whelmed by events, I often return to the spirit of The Happenings Mat. And I remember that breathing connects us.