Breathing Connects Us, 6/1/2020

During these times of COVID and protests, it is natural to feel whelmed and sad and wonder how we can all find a way through. When I feel whelmed by events, I often return to the spirit of  The Happenings Mat. And I remember that breathing connects us.

When we breathe slowly and in silence, an important connection is made. We connect with ourselves. We connect with others. With connection anything is possible.

Taking slow, deep breaths is an essential part of my work with young children. After agreeing to use The Happenings Mat, the next step is to breathe. Children touch the breath dots as they slowly breathe in through their nose and out through their mouth.

When anyone uses the breath dots, everyone breathes along, the children who use the breath dots and the adults who guide them. There is general relaxation and connection. We are all connected through our need to breathe.

When a child comes to The Happenings Mat feeling agitated, adults can feel agitated too. By breathing slowly, the relaxation and connection with self creates stability and a little cooling. The adult and the child can become attuned with each other. They can come into emotional alignment and everyone can settle into the process.

The practice of breathing together can extend from the classroom to home. One four-year-old boy told me, “I take three deep breaths when I am upset. I do it at home with my parents. They take three deep breaths too.”

Taking three slow, deep breaths connects us to the life in each of us. Try it. Take a breath!